Welcome to Beech Tree Therapies Reflexology Cornwall

My name is Rachel Waller. I am a fully qualified and experienced Clinical Reflexologist with Centralia Reflexology Mastership (CRM) Level 5, which is the UK's highest level of qualification for Reflexologists. I completed my training with Hagar Basis at the Reflexology Academy in London.
I have also completed in-depth training in Advanced Facial Gua Sha including Facial Reading, Advanced Facial Reflexology and Cupping, Ear Reflexology and Reiki with specialist teachers.
I feel very privileged to treat my clients and to be part of their journey to achieve better health and well-being. I fully invest in my own ongoing professional development, researching and working with other health professionals. I absolutely thrive on seeing this natural treatment support and improve the physical, mental and emotional health and well-being of all my clients.
On a personal level, I feel very lucky to have found Reflexology. I have experienced my own health issues and I completely understand the implications of how ill-health can affect how we feel emotionally, how trauma can manifest until we can find healthy ways of regulating our nervous system. Throughout those times I had to dig deep and spent many months studying, researching and healing. Those challenging times gave me valuable learning opportunities for personal growth, and as a practitioner treating clients. I always appreciate how our health and well-being affects everything, how we live from day to day, our relationships, and our ability to live our lives to the full.
Our minds and bodies are intrinsically linked. Emotional health can impact on our physical health, and our physical health can impact on our emotional health. I am a very positive person and believe that all of our experiences, whether good or bad, make us who we are, and that we can learn to make choices that make us happier and healthier.
I am a full Member of the AOR (Association of Reflexologists). Whilst client outcome is paramount, I also devote time to continuous training and development to ensure that I am able to share the latest techniques and protocols. I passionately care about helping people. If you would like to know more about my treatments please contact me. Thank you for taking the time to visit my website, I look forward to hearing from you.
Rachel x
Qualifications and Continuing Professional Development
Rachel Waller Clinical Reflexologist Level 5 Dip MAR
Specialising in Women's Health, Stress Management, Maternity, Fertility and Palliative Care. Anatomy, Physiology and Pathologies and providing Reflexology for specific conditions and completion of 100 case studies - Reflexology Academy, London
Level 3 and Level 4 Advanced Reflexology Techniques
Women's Health, Fertility, Maternity, Menopause
Pain in Cancer Survivors (CIPN) ~ Carol Samuel, Reflexmaster
Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD) ~ Sally Kay
Menopause - Facial, Hand and Foot Reflexology ~ Bergman Method
Menopause Reflexology ~ Barbara Scott
Advanced Facial Gua Sha and Facial Reading ~ Katie Blake, The Skin Whisperer
Zone Face Lift Reflexology ~ Bergman Method, London School of Reflexology
Facial Gua Sha & Facial Cupping ~ Bergman Method, London School of Reflexology
Ear Reflexology and ear seeds - Karen Middleton, New Zealand
Reiki Masters - USUI Reiki System of Natural Healing

"A gut feeling is actually every cell in your body making a decision"
Deepak Chopra

©Beech Tree Therapies Cornwall 2024