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Foot Reflexology 

Treatment 45 minutes

Appointment ~ 1 hour ~ £55.00

Foot Reflexology is a natural therapy and has been practised for thousands of years.  It is safe, non-invasive and therapeutic.  The therapy is based on the principal and belief that there are reflexes on the feet which directly represent each part of the anatomy.  Reflexology is a touch therapy; by applying specific techniques and varying levels of pressure, stimulating and working the reflexes and acupressure points to support the body's own innate capacity to come back into balance.   The treatment will be deeply relaxing leaving you feeling rested.

You will begin your treatment as you soak your feet in natural organic Epsom salts (magnesium), in my beautiful hand crafted copper foot bowl. When your feet have been dried with warm towels, you will nestle down into the luxurious comfort of the warm couch with a soft blanket.  I will invite you to take some deep diaphragmatic breaths as you feel yourself drifting into deep relaxation. I will begin working through the reflexes, meridian and acupressure points using a variety of techniques, and varying levels of pressure. I will complete the treatment with balancing and holding techniques and will encourage you to take further deep diaphragmatic relaxing breaths. You will be invited to rest on the couch and to drink some water, before you put your shoes back on ready to leave for the rest of your day.  I will offer suggestions for self care strategies to try at home in between treatments to help you on your healing journey.


"A feeling is just a feeling, its not your identity" 

Dr Edith Eger

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